December 11, 2010

Winding Down..

I'm hoping things are winding down as we approach the last couple weeks before the holidays.  I have been busy keeping the shop stocked, but will be taking a break from making anything new until I get caught up on all my gifts and shopping.

I will also be doing a craft show this year- something I typically don't do... but its going to be a really cozy, fun, non-formal type deal.  If you are in the Lethbridge area, check out Craftateria!  Art and Indie Craft Fair on December 18 at the PARLOUR window downtown:

I'll bring my spinning wheel and some new hand painted yarns, and knit & crocheted goodies.

This year, I'm trying to keep the Christmas insanity to a minimum.  But as I'm sure many artists and crafters will agree, it's a challenge to find a happy balance at this time of year.  On the one hand, its probably the best time to sell your wares- so you try your best to keep the shop stocked, but on the other hand, you've gotta have a life!  I am not complaining as I feel really lucky to have such support for my work, but perhaps this serves as a little hug to all you makers out there- hang in there and keep up the good work!!  We are making a deep dent in gift giving awesomeness!

Here's a few of the projects I've been working on.

I was asked for a custom order for a set of family slippers:

I have also been making some mittens:

They are both made out of vintage yarn.  The first pair came from a couple of very pink balls of acrylic/wool buffalo yarn, which I over dyed, you can see the original color here:

The second pair I have already mentioned in a previous blog post, but I over dyed the gray color into purple.  Here's the original color, before dyeing.  This is buffalo yarn too, but 100% wool.  (And no, still haven't made my sweater)

And I made a present for myself (gotta have a little gift to yourself once in a while!)- a kerchief with some of the noro furin yarn I picked up on my last trip to edmonton. 

I like these triangle type scarves because they are bit dressy and you can wear them indoors and outdoors, and also because you only need one ball of noro (or other super yummy yarns) to make.  They are something I'm considering making & selling in the shop- maybe with handspun yarns!  I used a vintage wooden button and it can slip anywhere I want in the knitted fabric, so the scarf can be loose fitting or more snug.  You'd probably get a better idea of the size if I tried it on, but I'm still in my pj's :)


42 things said...

I just LOVE that triangle scarf! awesome!

SunShine said...

The Mittens are great and I agree with 42 things, The Triangle scarf is beautiful. The green, yellow and white wrapped around the yarn makes it look dressy for dressing up and fun for wearing around the house. I know a few people who I would buy that for if it was in your shop :)