October 31, 2012

Autumn Update

Hello friends, it has been a while since I've done a blog post here- Needless to say, the little baby bird keeps me busy!  But with somewhat of a napping routine established, I am able to get back into crafting a little here and there.  I recently got a shipment of lovely squooshy merino yarn in, here's some of the new colorways I've dyed up:

I'm also getting ready for one craft sale this holiday season.  The Made Show & Sale is happening at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery from Friday, November 23 from 6-10pm and Saturday, November 24 from 10am -5pm!  I'll be sharing a table with my friend Shanell from Yarnmoth who will have amigurumi goodies!

I'll also be doing a pop-up show at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery on Saturday, December 22 from 10am-5pm for any last minute holiday shoppers out there!

I'm not sure why I called this blog post Autumn Update, as it seems like winter has hit many places hard.  Thoughts go out to those on the east coast that are being affected by the superstorm. 

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