April 8, 2009

A nice start to April

Last thursday, I had a nice suprise- some of my handspun, handdyed yarn made it to the front page of etsy! For those of you who are etsy sellers, you know the sheer excitement this brings! This time (this is the 4th time for me), I was actually on the computer while it happened, so I could watch as the views and hearts went up in my shop. Okay, I admit, I'm a total etsy nerd. The kind of exposure being on the front page (especially during the day) is incredible. My featured item, the merry prankster handspun handdyed yarn went from about 45 views to about 570 in half an hour!

Here's a couple of my newest, freshest yarns, including the above featured yarn:


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I totally know how it feels and it's amazing the sales that follow.

PrairiePeasant said...

Congratulations of the FP!! What a great feeling! Your handspun yarns are so gorgeous, they deserve a regular spot on the front page!