October 6, 2007


Hello & welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by!

I've been a maker since I was a little gal, whether it was play-doh, drawing, painting... what have you.  My teenage years were filled with decoupage, vintage clothing, and records.  I made & sold hemp beaded jewelry to help put me through university (and pay for festival admissions), while I studied painting, drawing and sculpture, and now, somehow, I have found my way to fiber!

I'm enjoying being a part of the d.i.y. resurgence and truly love seeing what all the crafty folks are making (and thinking) out there!  Making your own is truly a political act that not only refuses to acknowledge the oppressive sweatshop system we have going now, but it also honors the traditions of our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmother's herstory; which is often overlooked or taken for granted!

If you'd like to learn a little bit more about what I do, check out these features: